Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Air Force and Arkansas National Guard Veteran Remembers His Oath and One of the Planes He Worked On

I worked on the KC-135A in the picture while stationed at Castle AFB, CA. I do not remember if it was still an A series, or had been converted to an R, but I do remember the tail number.

I was an Avionics Guidance and Control Supervisor from 1986 to 1991 at Castle AFB. I worked KC-135A & R and B-52G airframes while stationed there.

And yes, I do remember the oath I took back in 1980, and again in 1991 when I entered the 188th Fighter Wing, Arkansas Air National Guard. Although I retired in 2000, my ID still states I am Retired Reserve.

Paul W. Davis

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear from you Paul! Pretty cool that you just happened to recognize one of the planes you worked on being pictured in another veteran's post. Small world, eh?

    Best to you and yours, and to Wayne and his family.



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