Tuesday, June 9, 2009

31 Year Veteran of Navy and Coast Guard Sounds Off

Being an oath taker some 43 years ago, I never would have thought we as a nation could become so vulnerable from within. I've spent 31 years combined in the Navy and Coast Guard services as active and reserves to help keep the freedoms we enjoy. Thank GOD there are OATH KEEPERS, and it will be my pleasure to be counted as one.

Chief Bob

Thank you Chief! Proud to have you aboard. Not on our watch! - the Oath Keepers crew.


  1. I commend all of you for your service, and I'm glad to see so many of you not having forgotten your oaths. I wish to submit the following YouTube link and ask that you please take a look at it for a NEW Declaration of Independence.


    While I am not the original author, I was tasked with the duty of creating said video in hopes to inspire our present generation.

  2. That was one fine video.. very well done, my compliments to you sir.


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