Monday, June 8, 2009

I took an oath to preserve, protect and defend our beloved Constitution--not follow the fascist traitors in Washington (both sides of the aisle)

I am a retired USAF Lt. Colonel (13 years active duty: 8 years Air Force Reserve Command) and was pleased to discover Oath Keepers. I took an oath to preserve, protect and defend our beloved Constitution--not follow the fascist traitors in Washington (both sides of the aisle) who continually chip away at the constitution and our Bill of Rights.

Here in Texas, I am the senate marshall of the 13th Congress of the republic of Texas.

God bless your work, God bless the United States and may God bless the republic of Texas.

Steve Baysinger
San Antonio
republic of Texas


  1. thank you for your bravery sir.

  2. Thank you Sir, and may God bless Texas indeed. If you are near San Antonio on the 4th of July, drop by the Tea Party on that day and say hello to Houston officer John Shirley, who will be giving a speech on behalf of Oath Keepers and will be conducting an oath ceremony.

    Stewart Rhodes

  3. God Bless Colonel! What an honor to have you aboard. Thank you for all of your service sir....


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