Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Oath Keepers Update and SITREP

The response to Oath Keepers has been amazing and also a bit overwhelming, with thousands of hits each day, hundreds of emails, and multiple invitations to appear on talk radio shows - all for a blog that has only existed for a week! We take that as a good sign that we have struck a chord, and that we were correct in our assessment that there was a need for this effort.

We are extremely grateful, honored, and humbled by the incredible response from the many wonderful veterans, current military, and other patriotic citizens who have stepped up to offer a hand, and for the trust you have placed in us by your willingness to sign your names or otherwise openly associate with this effort. We only hope that we are up to the task.

We do feel in our hearts that this effort has the potential to change history for the better and to forestall or even prevent this nation from ever experiencing the horrors that plagued so many other nations in the 20th Century. We are convinced that it is not too late, that there can be a turning of the tide - if we (and that means you too!) can reach enough of our brothers in arms and remind them of their oath, teach them more about what it is they swore to defend, and steel their resolves to stand firm if/when their oath is tested. We feel honor bound to do all we possibly can to achieve that mission.

To paraphrase General Washington yet again, the fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the Courage and Conduct of this Army - and this Marine Corps, This Air Force, This Navy and the National Guard units of these sovereign states.

This effort can have a tremendous impact on that courage and conduct.

It's success depends on you.

In addition to you doing your part to spread the word and contribute your testimonials, we welcome any suggestions you may have on how to improve Oath Keepers and how to best spread the message. This is an effort that by all rights should be driven largely by you, our fellow Oath Keepers.

What Are We Doing Now and Next?

We are in the midst of building a professional site that will be at this blog will continue even after the main site is up and will serve as the permanent blog for Oath Keepers (acessable both here at blogspot and through the main site). We are also considering the addition of a discussion forum at the main site.

We orginally were going to wait until that site was finished before unveiling Oath Keepers, but recent events prompted us to bump up the timeline by starting this blog. Still, we had no idea the response would be so dramatic.

We are also busy filming some video testimonials and othe short films for posting on youtube and elsewhere, which can be used by you to spread the message.

And we have a major outreach effort we are about to launch that will likely have its own stand-alone website. It will be both controvercial (very!) and ambitious, and will require some serious fundraising to make it viable, so we will likely apply some of the grass-roots fundraising tactics that worked so well for the Ron Paul campaign moneybomb efforts, such as dedicated fundraising websites and videos.

But regardless of whether that pans out, we will still go forward and do all we can, with whatever resources are at hand. And we hope to design most of our outreach efforts so you can directly take part, with no need to spend a dime - just your time and effort.

Suffice it to say we will be incredibly busy over the next couple of weeks. However, while we work as fast as we can, we will still be posting Oath Keeper testimonials, and a few other items as they seem appropriate. In addition, the editor of S.W.AT. Magazine, Denny Hansen, has given use pemission to post some articles by Stewart Rhodes that were orignially published in S.W.AT. Magazine. Those articles touch on the three-pronged mission of Oath Keepers:

1. Remind them of their oath;

2. Teach them more about what they swore to defend so they will be better able to see when an order violates the Constitution and the rights of the people, and is thus unlawful;

3. Steel their resolve to take a stand and do the right thing, whatever the cost.

As one of our core group members put it, our mission is to "reach, teach, and inspire" all who took the oath. The testimonials are a powerful part of that effort, and the video testimonials, especially those by combat veterans, will be vital to our success.

We hope you find the testimonials and the S.W.A.T. Magazine articles valuablee to your own committment to keep your oath and in your efforts to reach others. And within the next week or so you can expect to see new videos, the addition of the professional site, and the announcement of some powerful outreach efforts.

Oath Keepers - "Not on Our Watch!"

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