Thursday, June 4, 2009
Shock and Awe: Montana Vietnam Vet Elias Alias Sounds Off on the Imposter Government That Now Considers We the People Its Enemy
NOTE: Vietnam veteran Elias Alias (read his testimonial here) posted the following as a comment in response to my piece about Obama considering a "preventive detention" system. Just as his testimonial was excellent and very thought provoking (I highly recommend you read it) I find this latest write up by Elias to be thought provoking and thus deserving of a blog post of its own - Stewart.
Anonymous said...
Amen, God bless you, God Bless America and all patriots...
May 28, 2009 at 12:08 AM
Anonymous said...
God bless everyone.
He is taking us down the road of fascism at a record speed and I'm afraid its going to be hard to reverse it or stop him. God help us. -
May 28, 2009 at 1:34 AM
- Greywolfe said...
As a patriot and as a member of the Body Politic I have decided to educate myself not only on what the Constitution says, but why it says what it does. Our Founders would faint dead away at the very sight of what their efforts, blood, and tears has become.
At some point, We The People, are going to have to stand up and take everything back. But I wonder, do we as Americans truly have the fortitude to take the painful with the provident?
Our nation is bleeding itself out, and that will be the reasoning behind the suspension of our Constitution; a state of national emergency. -
May 28, 2009 at 5:17 AM
- CaptGooch said...
As always an impressive and accurate expression of the situation as it confronts us today Elias.
Thank You.
Sad indeed that our government should "turn on" its own patriotic Volunteer servicemen and women.
It is hard to believe that this is the same country that I volunteered to serve back in 1966.
Buck Up Me Hearties ....
"They" ain't got us down yet.
I will stand with my brother and sister Oath Keepers until I can physically no longer stand.
For the Republic -
May 28, 2009 at 10:30 AM
- CaptGooch said...
Greywolfe said...
As a patriot and as a member of the Body Politic I have decided to educate myself not only on what the Constitution says, but why it says what it does. Our Founders would faint dead away at the very sight of what their efforts, blood, and tears has become.
At some point, We The People, are going to have to stand up and take everything back. But I wonder, do we as Americans truly have the fortitude to take the painful with the provident?
Our nation is bleeding itself out, and that will be the reasoning behind the suspension of our Constitution; a state of national emergency.
May 28, 2009 5:17 AM
Welcome Greywolfe.
An admirable goal.
I commend you to it.
I would also suggest that you read the Anti-Federalist papers as well as the Federalist and as many of the actual written accounts of the time as you have energy and enthusiasm to absorb.
To read their actual words is enlightening to say the very least.
I am often astounded at the inconsistencies and outright lies being taught in our public education "Social Studies" or "Citizenship" courses IF it is even touched upon in the curriculum.
Sad to say but .... Some of the "Founders" were actually Loyalists at heart and it was within only a few years that our Real Charter, the Articles of Confederation, was struck down and the Constitution as we know it was instituted in its stead.
I highly recommend that you make this journey of education and that you "share" with any and all who will listen the Real History of our Nation and its Founding.
I also encourage you to attend one of our Oath Keeper ceremonies and suggest that you consider taking the Oath for yourself.
Either way it appears that you are on an educational path and I wish you well upon it.
For the Republic -
May 28, 2009 at 10:41 AM
- Dave Freeman said...
That's one of the most eloquent patriotic speeches I've ever read. We are blessed to have you as a leader in our organization. Your outline gives all the reasons needed to save and defend our uniquely American way of life and her divinely inspired constitution. As you so succinctly observed: due to the total disdain of her citizens, the federal government's reach has finally exceeded its grasp by awakening the sleeping giant: God fearing, family loving, hard working, liberty loving American citizens, who like years ago, refused to bow down to another tyrannical regime. -
May 28, 2009 at 6:25 PM
- Greywolfe said...
CaptGooch, Thanks. I have in fact been reading of the Anti-federalists and their arguments against the Constitution as it was originally written. Patrick Henry is becoming one of my heroes.
It has become apparent that all of the things the Anti-federalists worried MIGHT come true... HAS. -
May 28, 2009 at 7:19 PM
- Stewart Rhodes said...
Greywolfe, an excellent resource for your studies is
There, you can find nearly all of the important original documents, debates, and discussions of the founding era. And also original source material going back to ancient times on government and liberty.
Highly recommended. -
May 29, 2009 at 8:38 AM
- PatriotsAct said...
We Salute You...
All PatriotsAct .. Your service, your minds are required ..
It is American, it is free to question so-called authority..
Work to repeal the illegal laws passed by illigitimate subversives in OUR Government ..
Thank You for Your Awakening. -
May 29, 2009 at 1:18 PM
Anonymous said...
The recent murder of the abortion doctor by an unbalanced individual is an example of what may happen if Oath Keepers excites the hatred of unbalanced individuals who happen to agree with you.
June 2, 2009 at 7:40 PM
- O.K. said...
So Anonymous, you want us to just shut up? Apparently. We don't advocate any act of violence, so your "point" is really an attempt to smear us.
June 4, 2009 at 4:45 PM
- Elias Alias said...
Anonymous said...
"The recent murder of the abortion doctor by an unbalanced individual is an example of what may happen if Oath Keepers excites the hatred of unbalanced individuals who happen to agree with you."
Elias here - Now, Anonymous, that was quite the cheerful thought. There are of course many things I could say on this subject - the subject of "unbalanced individuals". But I'll be uncharacteristically brief. Oath Keepers cannot be responsible for anyone who's mind is 'unbalanced'. We are speaking at this site to adults, to mature and intelligent veterans, active-duty military, and peace officers. It strikes me as being highly unlikely that any "unbalanced individuals" might stumble in here and misunderstand what Oath Keepers is all about. Neither I, nor the Oath Keepers organization accept any responsibility for whatever goes on in an "unbalanced" mind.
But I would like to ask you a question please - do *you* agree with what I've said above in that article? Do *you* agree with the message of the Oath Keepers?
If you do agree with us, then I'd like to suggest that we not traffic in fear-thoughts. Proposing weird and horrible hypothetical scenarios in which Oath Keepers could be associated even unconsciously with a stupid shooting incident by a deranged "unbalanced individual" is hardly a reaction I would enjoy seeing to my article, or anywhere else on Oath Keepers' site. This site is for patriots, and our views have as much right to exist as anyone else's views, don't you agree?
Thanks for posting.
Elias -
June 5, 2009 at 1:47 PM
Anonymous said...
This sort of thing is par. If one who doesn't agree with your point of view cannot argue sucessfully against it (due either to unsupportable position or sheer inability), step two is to attack the messenger(s) themselves. Predictable enough to carry two signs (1. Attack the message, 2. Attack the messenger) and simply hold the appropriate sign up at the appropriate time. The silence thereafter is positively deafening! Good reading from you as usual. The trust we put in governnment has been betrayed by people who erroneously believe that they know better. The "if it feels good, do it" generation has come home to roost, and the nest is a shambles.
Steve Spandorf -
June 5, 2009 at 2:46 PM
- Unknown said...
Outstanding write up Elias.
June 7, 2009 at 8:43 AM
I'm sure I'm not the only American who is in shock after having discovered *what* has kidnapped our once-representative government. The government which our Founders created has been silently replaced by an imposter government which stands now poised to levy our own law enforcement and military against us at random, based on a distant centralized government's opinion only. No due process. No charges.
The MIAC report this past February was a loud and clear announcement of governmental intent, and it revealed how every American is now a potential enemy of the government. I'm a threat to this government because I supported Ron Paul in last year's campaign. And in April of this year the DHS noted that returning war veterans are potentially dangerous to this government.
I am in shock, and I am in awe of a centralized power such as this, which will unabashedly belch forth this kind of treason against the very people who support the Constitution. The irony is that the Constitution which now appears to this government to be an encumbrance and an obstruction to this government's objectives, is the very document which birthed the Federal government in the first place.
Have we the people lost our minds, or has our government lost its way? Worse, has our government been replaced by an imposter government? Is this government representing the will of the people? Does it reflect our values, our morality, our ethic, our home and family, our very souls? And does this government itself not now threaten our very security?
Herein we see the great need for, and value in, Oath Keepers. Take cheer, good soldiers! The Beast has shown its hideous face in governmental proclamation, intrusive and offensive legislation, usurpation of this nation's monetary issuance, and a fascism consisting of the marriage of Wall Street and Washington D.C. The government itself has demarked our line in the sand. Now Americans are rearranging in our minds and hearts the order of allegiance and obedience to the government, and our allegiance and obedience to our individual consciences, to our homes, to our families and relatives, to our local neighborhoods, to our industry, to our commerce amongst ourselves, to our religious freedom, to our stated and enumerated inalienable rights as individual human beings, to our inherent right and ability to govern ourselves.
Though the world itself be swallowed up by this New World Order, and though their emissaries are now congregated in the very heart of our Judicial, Executive, and Legislative bodies, and though the financial powers of globalism march to assimilate our beloved America, we, the people, are yet afforded one more opportunity to awaken to our peril and to rise up against this iron net of tyranny, and reclaim our great nation for the people and our posterity.
All we need to do this is the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, as written - that, and the willful awakening of our good neighbors across this land to the true nature and spirit of this Federalized threat. Too long we have slept in a bed made of convenience, creature comforts, and constitutional concessions, and all the while, as we peaceful people slept, those who sought to conquer us from within have tip-toed into our very seats of governmental power.
And now to attempt an answer for a question posted recently here - It is my view that nothing needs to be "organized" outside a dedicated organized approach to spreading the word of the truths which today are readily visible to anyone who seeks the truth. This is a personal battle for each one of us, for all Americans individually.
Laws which empower an impersonal government over we citizens are not cherished by the letter and spirit of our founding documents. I will not list here the roles played by the NEA, the AMA, the AHA, the great tax-exempt Foundations, the Federal Reserve, the IRS, covert departments in our Intelligence community, etc. The thrust and aim of governmental edict today says it all more plainly than any recital of 20th Century history.
The government takes it for granted that it has the entire might and force of the U.S. Defense Department and the Justice Department, which includes a nationally-interfaced law enforcement community, arrayed against us.
But the recent slap in the face of patriots, constitutionalists, military personnel, and veterans by the MIAC and DHS reports has awakened Our LEOs and Service personnel to the true nature of today's ills. And they are our family members and our neighbors, and fellow patriots who believe in doing the right thing, and they increasingly understand that the future of their own families, the well being and freedom of their own children, is at stake. Educating them is the surest sword we can wield, as the testimonies on this website reveal. Oath Keepers is not advocating the violation of any law. Oath Keepers is simply asking government to obey its own laws, that we might follow suit.
And Oath Keepers is asking all Oath Takers to honor their oaths with sacred gravity. That should be all that is necessary to reclaim our beloved country. So we advocate spreading the education of our Constitution, and illustrating to one and all how this current imposter government is operating outside the legal charter which created it and commissioned it to serve we the people.
I think that is about as American as it gets. We are the people. We are the true source of all power. And we can rescind our once-granted powers, until such time as that imposter is exposed and abandoned, left to fall of its own dead weight. Many brave law enforcement officers and active duty military have come in here and given their word publicly to uphold and honor their oaths.
Let us hold their spirit closely inside our hearts, and let us speak out at rallies, Tea Parties, and other public outreach activities. The powers have lost control over the flow of information, as Basil Fishbone has noted, and our awakening knowledge is now available to the masses, thanks to Al Gore's gift of the Internet [wink]. I am encouraged by the content of this young website. Our only mission is spreading the meaning contained in that oath to the Constitution.
Oath Keepers belongs to no political party, nor to any corporate lobby. We belong to you. United we shall stand, and, in this country at least, the New World Order shall fall.
I close with this missive -
“In a government of laws, the existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our government is the potent, the omnipotent, teacher. For good or ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. If government becomes a lawbreaker it breeds contempt for the law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself. It invites anarchy.” ~ Justice Louis D. Brandeis
May 25, 2009 9:57 PM