I swore my allegiance to the United States Constitution back in 1965 when I was hired as a police officer for the Redwood City, CA Police Dept. and again when I joined the Calif Nat'l Guard.
I am grateful for this opportunity to once again swear to uphold the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
"Justice be done, may the heavens fall."
Jim Mustanich
Welcome Jim,
It is good to see so many folks stepping up to Keep their Oaths.
I am really glad to see the number of Peace Officers that we have seen stand up with us.
I was, yes I'll admit it, more than a little concerned about the reaction we would get from the Law Enforcement community. I should not have been obviously.
Dave Freeman will be back in a day or so, He is our Peace Officer liaison.
He will be pleased I am sure to see the number of Peace Officers that have joined up.
"Not On Our Watch"
Thanks for speaking out, Jim.
Gooch, you are right. The number of Peace Officers coming forward certainly tips the scales back from bleak picture painted by the media.
Oath Keepers may have the side effect of helping heal the rift that has been growing between cops and civilians. This could not come at a better time!
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