Saturday, December 20, 2014

Congratulations to the Winner of Our Daniel Defense M4, and to the Runner Ups!

 We have a winner!  Actually, we have three winners, since we added on second and third place winners in this giveaway.  We drew the first, second, and third place winners electronically, using

 FIRST PLACE WINNER of Daniel Defense M4: Courtenay Self (US Army Combat Medic).

First place prize in our Daniel Defense M4 Giveaway goes to Oath Keepers member Courtenay Self, of Kansas.  Courtenay joined Oath Keepers while serving as an active duty Army Combat Medic, and just ETS'd in June of this year.  She now works as an EMT, so she is still serving her country and community.  Courtenay told us she first heard of us from an Oath Keepers billboard outside the main gate of Ft. Riley, Kansas, where she was stationed.  That billboard was the talk of the base, and she let us know that many of her fellow soldiers agreed with what the billboard had to say about refusing any orders to disarm Americans (just goes to show you that our billboard campaign works!). 

Courtenay is now the proud owner of the First Place Daniel Defense M 4 rifle, which has been shipped from Frontier Guns in Kalispell, Montana to a gun shop near her, with delivery expected on Christmas Eve.   We threw in some Magpul backup sights, and five extra Magpul P-mags.   Courtenay let us know what while she used a select-fire M4 while in service, she did not yet have her own private semi-auto version.   Well, we took care of that.  

Congratulations Courtenay, and thank you for your service!   

Along with the Daniel Defense M4, she will receive:

1. A lifetime subscription to the Pulse O2DA Armory Online Firearms Academy, courtesy of the patriots at Pulse O2DA.  The Pulse Armory consists of "manuals, videos, photos, drills, training plans and other content. The resources inside the Pulse O2DA Armory are segmented by individuals (home, street), teams (business, school, church) and units (communities, neighborhoods)."  Which is directly in line with the Oath Keepers Community Preparedness Team (CPT) program. 

2.   A copy of The Reluctant Partisan, Vol One: The Guerilla, by Special Forces veteran, "John Mosby."  NOTE FROM STEWART :  This is hands down the single best book I have read on individual and team tactics and patrolling, intended to give the armed American the tools they need to defend life, liberty, and property with solid light infantry skills that every American should know.  John Mosby is also a gifted instructor.   I recently took his Tactical Combat Casualty Care class and it was excellent. I will post a review right after Christmas.  I have also heard good things about his patrolling class from several Oath Keepers who have attended.

3.  Green Eyes & Black Rifles: Warriors Guide to the Combat Carbine, by SGM Kyle E. Lamb (RET).  This is an excellent book focused on how to effectively use the AR platform for combat and self defense.  Highly recommended. 

4. ST 31-91B, U.S. Army Special Forces Medical Handbook.  Since Courtenay is already a medic, we figured this may be useful to her, and she has expressed interest in helping with CPT in her area, and even teaching our members combat lifesaver classes (which she did for years while in the Army).

SECOND PLACE WINNER, Winning a Lifetime Membership:  Merlin Tischler (Navy Vietnam Veteran) from Florida.

Mr. Tischler is a Vietnam veteran, having served on brown water Navy gunboats on the rivers of Vietnam.   He is also a staunch Second Amendment defender (along with the rest of the Bill of Rights), and is very active in his community.  

Merlin has won a Lifetime Oath Keepers membership, and also has won, courtesy of the Pulse O2DA patriots, a lifetime subscription to the Pulse Armory.  We will also be sending him a copy of Reluctant Partisan, and several other CPT related books from our CPT recommended reading list (I will post that list of books once we get them ordered for Merlin). 

Merlin is a true gentleman and decent man.  There is a story there which Merlin is too modest to let us tell, but take it from us, he is a card of a man and truly has the Christmas spirit of giving and love.  It is an honor to have such a good man in Oath Keepers.   Thank you Merlin and God bless you!

THIRD PLACE WINNER:   Matthew Haag (current serving U.S. Navy Corpsman), from Virginia.  

Matthew joined Oath Keepers as a Lifetime member on December 1, 2014.   He told us that he first heard about Oath Keepers from a bumper sticker he saw on Okinawa, Japan.  Thank you Matthew for stepping up, and welcome aboard! 

As our third place winner, Matthew wins a free challenge coin and his choice of any two shirts from our store.  Since he expressed a strong interest in our CPT program, and intends to participate when his enlistment is up, we decided to also set him up with a big stack of CPT related books.  We will post the list of book we send him once they are on the way.    But among them will be the Reluctant Partisan, Contact! by Max Velocity, and a copy of the Special Forces Medic handbook (which he may find useful, being a corpsman).  

Courtesy of Pulse O2DA, we are also setting him up with a lifetime subscription to the Pulse Armory. 

Congratulations Matthew and thank you most sincerely for your service to country.  Corpsmen, along with the Army Medics, are the true heroes on many a battlefield, and many of our members owe their lives to a corpsman or medic.  God bless you, and Merry Christmas!

Thank you to all who entered our giveaway, and please stay tuned for the next one, which will be coming up soon.  We are working to arrange to add some training certificates to some top tactical trainers to the list of prizes.  

God bless and Merry Christmas!

Oath Keepers


  1. Congrats to all the well deserving winners!

  2. While the drawing may have been random, it would have been hard to select a more deserving group of winners. Congratulations to them all.

  3. Congratulations Courtenay, Merlin and Matthew. Welcome to Oath Keepers, you are a welcome addition to our team. "Thank You" from me to you for your service to our great country. I sincerely hope you find your membership as rewarding and enjoyable as I have found mine. Oath Keepers is filled with wonderful, hospitable members, which you will not find just anywhere and that makes every visit to the site special.

    I wish you a Merry Christmas and God bless!

  4. I demand a recount!!!!!

    Joking, thanks to Oath Keepers and congratulations to the winners!

  5. Congratulations and Merry Christmas To All !!

  6. I can't think of three more deserving patriots to receive these prizes. Well done and hooyah.


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