Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Stewart Rhodes Speaks at Cliven Bundy Ranch Victory Rally 4 12 14


  1. Good to see the old site back since the 'new' site is still offline. Will we be seeing any updates regarding what most are believing to be an attack on the organization?

  2. I can't seem to get find my way through the downed servers. Can anyone give me a call for information on heading there from SE Texas early next week? If someone responds we can have a phone discussion.

    Take care and God Bless.

  3. Good to see someone else here,,,

  4. Apparently, the outage affected thousands of sites. This might not be an attack on us. Highly coincidental, at any rate.

  5. Can anyone communicate with me about traveling there in support next week from SE Texas? I would like to talk to someone one the ground if possible to find out what is needed. I am reluctant to send a direct phone number. Can anyone email me back with a contact?

  6. Oath Keepers email says:

    "Our server is down, Alternative site available till server comes back online".

    Communications is a difficult call when you can not trust your own Government. We need to establish backup methods not reliant on the internet or cell towers. To me that means Ham Radio with posts all across the nation.


  7. I don't know if you are aware of it but your site at is not loading.

    It comes up with a "server not found" message.

  8. Can I just say that I really am in love with this old blog.

    I think we should find a place on the .org site for testimonials.

    I can hardly get through them without crying.

    While we're all stuck with this old blog -take the time to look through the old testimonials. It is worth the effort to navigate this clunky interface.

    1. Any Rhodes Scholars in this blog? Nope, didn't think so!!!


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