Thursday, June 18, 2009

Special Forces, Rangers, Seals, and Force Recon Veterans will support and defend this "COUNTRY, IT'S PEOPLE, THE CONSTITUTION, THE FLAG AND LIBERTY"

Dear Friends,

I along with a few of my friends (I will not disclose the exact number) have been watching your site for a while. We are all veterans made up of Former Army Special Forces, Army Rangers, Navy Seals and Marine Force Recon. Each and everyone of us have seen and fought in combat through out this world. I will inform you now that if the need arises for us once again to pick up our weapons to support and defend this "COUNTRY, IT'S PEOPLE, THE CONSTITUTION, THE FLAG AND LIBERTY" we will stand with you. We took the Oath and we still live by it today. Let's just hope and pray it does not come to that.




  1. Indeed, pray and prepare. Something tells me they don't think we are serious, or they would have reversed course long ago.

    Thanks, for sounding off.

  2. Amen, brother Bill, amen. Tell your friends that we are proud of them and we thank God for them.

    Shoulder to shoulder

  3. How many times we been up this Hill and they still don't take us seriously

  4. Thank you, Bill. Into the breach we go, but we are not alone.

    yours in Liberty,
    Randall Scott Covey
    just a Sailor amongst millions


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