Friday, June 19, 2009

Testimonial of Sgt. John Meaders, Current Serving California Highway Patrol Officer

What has our country come to where the citizens, whose very job is to protect America, are troubled by thoughts of recrimination when announcing or reaffirming their allegiance to our Constitution?

In the last 34 years, I have taken this most sacred oath twice. If either my current police department or old Army unit has a problem with my commitment to America, they should pack up and leave our great country because I will defend it against all enemies! I pray those who find offense with this post will move aside so freedom will be won without bloodletting.
Thanks for standing tall "Oath Keepers" and please feel free to post my name.

"Yes, we must indeed all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately." - Dr. B. Franklin

John A. Meaders
Army Veteran and
California Highway Patrol Sergeant


  1. Thank you Mr. Meaders, you are a patriot and we depend on you and others to do the same.

    It's actually law enforcement who are the front lines in stealing our liberties before military intervention.

    The heavily armed citizens of America are cleaning their weapons, stockpiling ammunition, and waiting...

    P R O P A G A N D A W E R K S

  2. Thank you! Peace Officers are the key to preserving our Constitution and liberty! Without the unlawful support of police forces, the tyrants are impotent.

  3. Thank you Sgt. Meaders, and welcome.

  4. God, I hate 9/11 Truthers like Propagandawerks!

  5. Bronze, I'm sorry the information I offer bothers you so much. I suppose I should offer another form of propaganda that you might agree with?

    Since there seems to be no room for opposing viewpoints with you, maybe your comments should have more to do with the topic... instead of meaningless bashing of me?

  6. And I will remind both of you take your squabbling to a different blog.

    This is Oath Keepers we are not concerned with 9/11/01 or any politicians birth records.

    I would suggest that you both read all of the "official" positions we have posted here on this blog site.
    Including the "We are Not List".

    Oath Keepers
    Do Not Feed the Trolls.

    If someone comes out with a totally off subject comment then Please contact one of us moderators. Responding only feeds their desire for attention.
    We can and will remove off topic screes and any comment with Hate speech in it.

    Stay on mission.

    There ARE people who Do want to destroy our Constitution so they can replace it.

    Oath Keepers is all about Reach, Teach and Inspire.

    Reach out to all of our fellow Oath takers and ...

    Teach them if they didn't know or have "forgotten" the responsibilities we agreed to when we swore that Oath.

    To Inspire is our goal.
    Inspire all oath takers to become Oath Keepers.
    Inspire all of our Active Duty or Reserve Military and Active Duty or Reserve Peace Officers to Keep the Oath they swore and to refuse to Obey any unlawful order no matter the source of that order.

    If you swore an Oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies are you going to Keep that Oath ?

    Will you obey an order that you know is unconstitutional on its face just because it comes down the "official" chain of command ?

    If you are not an Oath taker do you not believe in the Constitutional Republic as it is defined and proposed by the Constitution ?

    If You came here expecting a nest of right or left wing political activist wing nuts you are very much mistaken.

    Oath Keepers is about Keeping our Oath to the Constitution and about Not obeying any order that is unlawful. Period.

    Not on Our Watch

  7. This will be my last comment, and the last time I visit Oath Keepers or recommend it. While I agree with what is being said, I disagree with the following comment and the bashing for no apparent reason:

    This is Oath Keepers we are not concerned with 9/11/01 or any politicians birth records.

    Might I remind everyone that it was the events of 9/11 that allowed a massive powergrab by the very elements of our Government your Oath Keepers seem to object to. I also made no mention of birth records in any of my comments.

    In the end it's meaningless, for whomever shows up on my doorstep as the enemy will be met with very heavy firepower... no matter the uniform.

    And at the end of the day, there are more of us armed citizens and patriots than there are of the enemy,

    So good luck.

  8. propagandawerks said...
    This will be my last comment, and the last time I visit Oath Keepers or recommend it. While I agree with what is being said, I disagree with the following comment and the bashing for no apparent reason:
    This is Oath Keepers we are not concerned with 9/11/01 or any politicians birth records.
    Might I remind everyone that it was the events of 9/11 that allowed a massive powergrab by the very elements of our Government your Oath Keepers seem to object to. I also made no mention of birth records in any of my comments.
    In the end it's meaningless, for whomever shows up on my doorstep as the enemy will be met with very heavy firepower... no matter the uniform.
    And at the end of the day, there are more of us armed citizens and patriots than there are of the enemy,
    So good luck.
    June 24, 2009 12:55 AM


    Chill dude.
    I did not say that You said anything specific.
    I was pointing out that Oath Keepers has ONLY ONE, three part, Mission.
    To Reach, Teach and Inspire.

    All the rest of the political BS is not our concern Here.
    If 9/11/01 is your pet project, good on ya, but Oath Keepers has a different focus.

    If you are so thin skinned as to let one comment [not even aimed AT you] to cause you to abandon this organization, then what does that say about YOU ?
    What Oath Keepers needs are folks who are ready NOW to lay down "our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor." to quote one of our founding fathers.

    so ....
    Shout it out, cool back down and then let's all get back to work.

    Reach, Teach and Inspire.

    For the Republic

  9. Gooch said:

    "This is Oath Keepers we are not concerned with 9/11/01 or any politicians birth records."

    It is more accurate to say that Oath Keepers remains publicly NEUTRAL on the issue of 9/11, just as we do the war in Iraq, not because we don't care, don't have an opinion, or don't think it's important, but because we know it is a divisive issue and we want to reach everyone, whatever their convictions on either of those two hot button issues.

    We want to reach them all, and don't want anyone shutting down and not listening to our central message about keeping their oaths. And, as you can see from our Declaration of Orders We Will Not Obey, we are focused first and foremost on what goes on here at home in the future - on the structure of our Republic and on what we see as the most important lines that should not be crossed.

    That does not mean we don't care about other issues and it is not an exhaustive list.



Comments posted belong to the commenter alone, and are not endorsed by Oath Keepers or the administrators for this blog.