Saturday, June 13, 2009

Reminder: The June 13 Rally in DC Was Canceled

We posted a notice about this a while back, but just in case any of you missed it, the Gathering of Eagles rally in DC scheduled for tomorrow, June 13, was canceled. We Oath Keepers were going to take part in that rally, but Gathering of Eagles had to cancel because their funding fell through.

On the brighter side, we will be at a Tea Party rally in Bozeman Montana on July 4. And Oath Keepers representatives will be speaking at July 4 events and conducting oath ceremonies all over the country (and more invitations to speak are coming in all the time). We'll post details about all of that very soon.

For the Republic!

Oath Keepers

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your crusade.This is the only time in my 40 years of life im ashamed not to be in the military. I would love to make a difference and stand up for my beliefs. somethings are worth dying for such as our constitutional rights. Most countries at least no if they are communistic ,our country just thinks we are free and that makes us dumber than most!Wish i could help you all in some way.


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