Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Message From Radio Host Devvy Kidd: My radio guest TONIGHT: Lt. Behenna's mother (see link)


I covered this on my radio show a few weeks ago. Tonight, Tues, June 30th, Michael's mother is my guest.
Lt. Behenna is serving a 25 year sentence for killing an Al Queda operative in Iraq.
I believe this is an outrage according to the facts:
Vicki Behenna is a United States Attorney. Michael's father is a retired Special Agent with the Oklahoma Bureau of Investigation.
As with the border patrol agents, Ramos and Campeon, I hope we can bring enough public pressure to get Michael out of prison.
I hope you'll spread the word to have people listen in while Vicki explains the prosecutorial misconduct and withholding of evidence in her son's case. If would also be great if talk show hosts could also get her booked on their shows.
On live radio: Solutions Not Politics
6:00 pm PST, 8:00 pm CST and 9:00 pm EST
Eagle 104 FM Tampa/Ocala


  1. I signed the petition. Hang in there the American people are going to do what they can to get you out. I am so sick of our government, they are so crooked, It does not look like anybody is safe from this tyranical government. God help us.

  2. Bring our boys home!!! Why are we sending our brave men and women to a war a rich man made... This is a war for profit nothing more, if its for freedom why are we loosing more freedoms here at home then ever before... Bring our Hero's back!!!
    I will pray for your son, God Bless...

  3. How is this related to the mission of Oath Keepers?

  4. it relates to the insane corruption that sends our own in harms ways. If the Government does not honor its own solders what makes you think it will honor you...

  5. I have no illusions that any government will ever "honor" me. And I certainly do not feel safer from government abuse when government lets murderers off the hook just because they are agents of government.

    But aside from that, how is this related to the mission of Oath Keepers? Which of the ten orders not to be obeyed is relevant here?


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