Saturday, June 20, 2009

Marine Gunnery Sergeant: "My oath is my word of life – the surrender of my life – to insure the survival of our Constitution against all enemies"


What the oath means to a Marine:

"As long as we draw breath, our oath remains a prime directive .... We honor it, not only as a covenant to the living and our future posterity, but also as a sacred vow to our glorious dead that their sacrifice for our individual freedoms and liberties will never be in vain." - Jimmy Ward, GySgt / USMC (ret.)

Listen up! Gunny's got something to say.

Oath keepers,

As a retired Marine Gunny of 22 years, my duty took me all over the Far East, Middle East, and parts of Europe; Desert Storm, Bosnia, and Iraq, with several stops in between to keep the frost off.

When I gave my oath to support and defend the Constitution, I knew it was my duty to fully understand both the letter of the law, and the history behind the founding spirit of that law. This especially applies to the final guarantees of individual liberties contained in the Bill of Rights – the last check against tyranny.

My oath is my word of life – the surrender of my life – to insure the survival of our Constitution against all enemies “foreign and domestic.” That includes guardianship from those at our local, State, and Federal governments who seek to hijack or subvert our collective Constitution.

Whether we are the tip of the spear or in the rear with the gear, Marines know that our oath does not have an expiration date, regardless if our status is active, reserves, or retired. As long as we draw breath, our oath remains a prime directive.

This is because our oath runs deeper than words. It is a profound conviction that serves as an interrogation mark to the moral courage that reflects our dignity of soul. It is the preferred virtue, second only to our personal faith and trust in God.

We honor it, not only as a covenant to the living and our future posterity, but also as a sacred vow to our glorious dead that their sacrifice for our individual freedoms and liberties will never be in vain.

And I remain unwavering in that belief.

Your Compatriot,

Jimmy Ward
GySgt / USMC (ret.)

COMMENT FROM OATH KEEPERS: Now that's what you call LEADERSHIP. Gunny, that is one of the most eloquent and stirring expressions of love of country and commitment from the heart of an American warrior we have ever had the honor to post on this site. VERY well said. Welcome aboard! Semper fi.


  1. I always say that if the day were to come where the people of America rose up to take back the power from a centralized government that the military would stand with the people because they are the people. Their commitment is to the Constitution NOT the President of Government and having just read that great post I am feeling my heart is correct!

    Thank You!

  2. Thank you Gunny. It's more and more a relief every time I get to hear a Marine that has the desire for freedom burning in their soul. Thank you for your post and being faithful to your Oath. Semper Fi and Long live the republic!!

    Sgt. Dyer

  3. Thankyou for SHARING your pride! I too am a Marine, always will be till I die, Sgt. James J Landis 2374628, 1st AMTRAC BN, Alpha Co, 1st Platoon, Cua Viet, remember "Born on the Fourth of JULY", I was there that day along with many of my brothers. SEMPER FI!

  4. Welcome aboard Gunny.

    It is good to have you with us.
    Let's get all of our oath takers turned into Oath Keepers and then our grand kids can all sleep safe. On that day I'll buy the first round at the GeeDunk.

    Semper Fidelis truly does say it all doesn't it.

    Thank You for your service past and future.

    For the Republic


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