Monday, June 8, 2009

I'm ex-Air Force 57-61, but I'm also an activist of 44 years,

Note; Kirwan is a well known artist who's work may look familiar, if you are a regular visitor to freedom related websites.

I'm ex-Air Force 57-61, but I'm also an activist of 44 years, who believes that this country is not doing what it must do according to the laws of this Republic, or in regard to our place among the community of nations, worldwide.
I have sent you several articles; and will on occasion, depending on the topic, probably send you others.

I don't need to be responded to, but you're welcome to use any part of what I send, if you find that it might have a bearing on the question at any given time.

Good luck to you; it's been too long since the voices that you represent have chosen to speak out;

but better late than never!


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