Saturday, May 16, 2009

Department of Homeland Security Officer (another one) sounds off and shows off the first Oath Keeper tattoo

"Well, I broke down and got my first tattoo."

I should have written you sooner, but I am DHS and consider myself an Oath Keeper. I go to work wearing what I have only half-jokingly called The Evil Eagle of DHS. I took an oath to defend our Constitution and shall do so. There were a few looks when I added emphasis to the words and domestic!

It seems odd that after taking that oath for my job, that my boss can now view me as a terrorist for taking said oath. All this, while it is my job to protect The People from a 'terrorist threat.'

Yes, we do need to be inside the system. You would be surprised how many seem to be waking up.

Thanks for your reasoned support.

As for being anonymous, I have had enough of that. What shall they do to me? They can fire me under false pretenses and open themselves up to litigation.

Actions like those against Mr. Bierfeldt in St. Louis disgusted me to the point of physical nausea. I almost turned in my resignation over that, but I am at a point of desperately needing the benefits for family at this time. I did write Mr. B. in his defense. I let him know his rights and how the idiots that harassed him did their jobs wrong and defiled their oaths. Sadly he never corresponded in kind with either a thanks, nor an expletive. I hope he does not think everyone with a badge is a jackbooted thug.

I may have become as decadent and bloated as the system, but my mind is sharp and my heart is still true. I know the difference between 'legal' and lawful orders. I know that one day I may be asked to follow orders that are a direct violation of our Constitution. I have an idea where that line in the sand is. I will not oblige those that would give such orders.

There are those that would twist definitions to call an ordinary, law-abiding Citizen, a terrorist. To those people, I shall call them out as nothing less than traitors.

So yes, you may count me in and use my name and correspondence.

Oath Keeper,
Kirt McClain


  1. Kirt,
    I applaud your courage and your commitment to your oath. If you would like to play a larger in O.K. let me know and I will have one of your brothers contact you [my email is directly across from your post].
    Semper Fi,
    Dave Freeman

  2. Thank you from a great grandmother of 4, I am so glad to see that even Homeland security is waking up. God bless America, our Military and the Oath-Keepers. Americans love there freedom to much to just give it away to some dictater like Obama, he is trying to distroy, bankrupt and make people dependent on him where he can take over our great country, that will never happen. If you give up your guns, then you will be a slave. I will never give up my guns freely. Everyone I talk to feels the same. They will have one hell of a fight on there hands. From people you would never dream of that will be out there protecting America from TYRANNY. Thank you and God Bless everyone.

  3. God bless Kirt McClain!

    God bless America!

  4. Kirt McClain, you are... OK!

  5. Beautiful tattoo! The sentiment behind it is exquisite!!

    Great job and God Bless each and every one of you.

    I sign this as anonymous because I can't figure out how to sign in with my typepad account, sorry.

  6. I want to thank all of you for doing what is right. You are true heroes. God bless you all.

  7. WE the People of a free nation will stand up to the last man, women and child. They can kill our bodies but not our ideas. An idea that all men are born free which is given by God not by the word of man. We will not fail, our hearts and souls are for all brothers and sisters in this great nation that will flame a revolution the world has yet to see. We are the people that cook for you, clean your house, bring your pizza, fix your cars, we are the the men and women serving under the oath, we are the ghosts of the machines. we are the sons and daughters of the fallen who have given everything for the next generation. Fear not when death comes knocking at your door, death has many faces but the death of our liberty Will Not be one of them. I am so proud of all the patriots, may God bless you. We may not be perfect but our hearts of all man kind to be free will echo through this nation and through out the world against all tyrants and systems to enslave humanity...

  8. I hope you are the first of many to bravely uphold the duties and responsibilities that go with representing the security of our country. It is a sad state indeed when you have to do so from the "servants of the people" chosen to protect us. If they do not have the wisdom, thank God for patriots like yourself who do! Patriotism is not dead unless we allow it to die.

  9. Respect to you Kirt!
    Now, wanna join Orly and challenge Obama's eligibility?

  10. All I want to say is Thank You! to all that have woke up, and realized our gov. is trying to wipe out the constitution, While our soldiers are fighting to defend our constitution, the gov is trying to shred it. The real enemy today for Americans, is the gov. and its socalled RULER.
    Freedom Isn't Free!!!!!!!!!

  11. Thank you, sir. Your integrity is a beacon. Thank you for your service.

  12. Kirt, you make me proud! I will consider it an honor to close ranks along side you. Folks, this patriot is my son. A father could not ask for more in one lifetime.
    I love you.

  13. Good Morning, frodnaps! and thank you for a wonderful pick-me-up to start my day. Kirt's your son? Dang, I wish I had a kid like that, I'd be proud as all get out.

    And Kirt, I love your tattoo. I'm only a housewife, I wish I could have a tattoo like that.

    Actually, this has become in very short order, one of my favorite sites, which is why I'm here first thing in the morning. It's good therapy. For too long, (as a high school kid in the 70's) I've been very sour and disillusioned with my fellow Americans because of their stupid voting habits. They believe any politician. Incredible.

    A better solution is to come on here first thing in the morning toot suite and realize that there are good people out there. Then, I can go about my day without this constant suspicion towards my fellow Americans. It's just good therapy!

    Thank you Stewart Rhodes and all you good people!

  14. Kirt,
    You've done your nation a wonderful service. I'm especially encouraged to know that someone with your high moral standards and keen awareness is working inside "the belly of the beast". You enhance my pride in being an American, and I am very thankful for your courageous stand for the Constitution. Well done, Bro!


  15. Obama is not a citizen of the USA, he is a citizen of Indonisa, not a natural born citizen like our constitution says you have to be and he is distroying our country. Why can't homeland security do something about it and save us from him.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Obama is not a citizen of the USA, [snip][snip]
    May 19, 2009 6:46 PM

    Oath Keepers is not about whether Mr Obama is qualified to be POTUS or not.

    Please DO read our position pages listed along the right side of your screen.
    Especially the We are Not List.

    Oath Keepers IS about Honoring our oath to support and defend the Constitution from ALL enemies foreign and domestic, So help me God.

    As Oath Keepers we want him to Keep the Oath he took to support and defend the Constitution.
    He hasn't done so well so far.

    Take your complaint to a different blog.

  17. Sorry I did not mean any harm, I just do not understand how our courts and congress has let him get by with this.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Sorry I did not mean any harm, I just do not understand how our courts and congress has let him get by with this.
    May 20, 2009 3:21 AM
    Thank you for returning to apologize. Apology Accepted.

    Collusion in varying degrees [both knowingly and unknowingly] is the universally accepted theory on "how our courts and Congress has let him get by with this."

    To us Oath Keepers the matter of his birth is very secondary to his failure to Keep his Oath to support and defend the Constitution.

  19. Capt. Gooch,

    I would like to very respectfully say that Eligibility for any office under the Constitution should be/is primary. One cannot uphold anything in the Constitution when they gravely violated part of it to illegally get into office. Also, our Founders would not have stated the requirements for office as they did were it not a primary concern.

    I just thought I would chime in on this. Always Faithful means In All Ways Faithful to the Constitution.

  20. Anonymous said...
    Capt. Gooch,
    I would like to very respectfully say that Eligibility for any office under the Constitution should be/is primary. One cannot uphold anything in the Constitution when they gravely violated part of it to illegally get into office. Also, our Founders would not have stated the requirements for office as they did were it not a primary concern.
    I just thought I would chime in on this. Always Faithful means In All Ways Faithful to the Constitution.
    May 21, 2009 5:31 AM


    While I agree that it should have been much more important in the process of Mr Obama's obtaining the office .... HERE on Oath Keepers it is not as important as the violations he has committed on his Oath of Office, As a Senator and as POTUS.
    That other oath takers in Washington failed to assure the public of his qualifications is not a subject for our attention.
    We are proactive not reactive.
    Our goal is to Reach, Teach and Inspire ALL Active Duty [and Reserve] Peace Officers, Military and National Guard personnel.

    We are Oath Keepers.
    Our goal is to get ALL oath takers to become Active Oath Keepers.
    We are NOT even trying to "go change things" we are trying to Prevent the activation of tyranny upon our countrymen.

    Our intention is NOT to judge anyone but to actively oppose any attempt at the implementation of tyranny.
    PLEASE read the "We are Not List" on the right hand side of every page of this blog.

    We do not have bandwidth enough to right all of the wrongs of the world here.

    Let us stick to our chosen topic.
    Please feel free to take this subject to another blog where it Might be more appropriate.

    Thank You

    Not on Our Watch

  21. I have previously read your We are Not list, I was just commenting on how this particular topic related to protecting the Constitution. I know one organization can not do all/resolve all issues not in line with the Constitution. I just do not see why there is opposition to some people on here mentioning in passing a particular violation to the Constituion to bring it into light for those who are not aware. Usurping office is an act of tyranny, thereby setting the stage for further and more direct acts of tyranny upon the people. Believe me, I have been giving your web site to many to achieve your direct "goal of Reach, Teach and Inspire ALL Active Duty [and Reserve] Peace Officers, Military and National Guard personnel." I believe most are of that heart already, as I do know personally how great our military is and what the military stands for. Hopefully more and more of them find this site. They cannot be 'bought' as the politicians, etc. can and have been. I hope I did not upset you, as that was not my intention. I have the utmost respect and admiration towards you all, the military, and all fellow Patriots.

  22. Anonymous said...
    I have previously read your We are Not list, I was just commenting on how this particular topic related to protecting the Constitution. I know one organization can not do all/resolve all issues not in line with the Constitution. I just do not see why there is opposition to some people on here mentioning in passing a particular violation to the Constituion to bring it into light for those who are not aware.
    ..... [snip] [snip].....
    I hope I did not upset you, as that was not my intention. I have the utmost respect and admiration towards you all, the military, and all fellow Patriots.
    May 21, 2009 11:24 AM

    No upset on my part Anonymous.

    It is my assigned function on these comment pages to see that we stay on mission and don't waste our limited bandwidth on subjects that do not Directly address our Stated and Only Goal.

    We hope to see you at one of our Oath Keepers functions and having you swear the Oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

    For the Republic

  23. Being a female, and the 'shaking leaf' that I am due to past circumstances I have experienced I will uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic in all ways I can but I fear that when atrocities begin (as seems to be a guarantee) I will be "frozen in fear" as I have been in many other instances in my life. That is why I am in such awe and respect for our brave men who have the strength and guts that I do not. I am very grateful to them past, present, and future. And yes ;), I know there are women who have great strength and guts but I myself always feel safer with male Patriots on The Watch. :) That is just me being my usual self of admirer of 'Knights in Shining Armor'. God Bless You All!!


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