Saturday, May 16, 2009

The best hope for mankind, The United States of America.

In January 1973, I raised my hand to the square and swore to Protect and Defend.

That oath is still in full effect. I will teach, I will reason, I will persuade, I will fight, I will man the barricades, I will take to woods and fight as the Patriotic Resistance. I will fulfill my oath. I will work with all my strength until my last breath to save this, the best hope for mankind, The United States of America.

God Bless you each and everyone

Note; We hope it never comes to that and part of our mission is to keep that from happening but we appreciate this man's resolve.


  1. Welcome aboard veteran,

    Thank you for your Service.

    As is mentioned in the "note" at the end of this testimonial We do hope that our efforts can forestall the necessity for a "patriotic resistance" having to physically fight to save our Constitution and its Republic.
    That said the wise man prepares for the worst and works and hopes for the best.

    Not on Our Watch

  2. God Bless you and thank you for your service.


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