Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Active Duty Marine; "I was told by the recruiter that there may come a day when I am ordered to fire on demonstrating US Citizens."

I am currently deployed on my yet another war tour.

We, the family all Department of Defense personnel, have never suffered such radical indignation as we do now. When I first joined the Marine Corps, I was told by the recruiter that there may come a day when I am ordered to fire on demonstrating US Citizens. I told him that I would not and under pain of death stop my fellow Marines who may be given to such actions.

I never thought that the day would come but now watching our Nations very soul being shredded at an exponential rate it becomes a very real possibility.

We stand the precipice of no return and must be vigilant of tyranny.

I pledge my oath.

Semper Fi.


  1. Death smiles at us all but Marines just smile back!! I am an Oathkeeper and got your six sir!


  2. Welcome aboard Awake,

    A precipice indeed but IF we stand together I do think we will turn this "out-of-control" machine back around.

    The truly sad part to me is that my father and grandfather [Both Decorated Veterans] didn't stop this garbage back when I was a little tyke. Now I have to do it to preserve my son's and my grand sons Liberties.

    Welcome aboard.

    For the Republic


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