Thursday, April 30, 2009

Let me add my hand and my name to Oath Keepers

I was born September 6th, 1944, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, while my father was there in training with the U.S. Army Air Corps. I have a Hospital Birth Certificate from Sioux Valley Hospital in Sioux Falls. I have a Standard Certificate of Live Birth, issued by the South Dakota State Board of Health, Division of Vital Statistics. I have a Notification of Birth Registration, issued by the Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce, United States of America. I am not ashamed of my birthright as an American, and would gladly show anyone my certificates of birth. I cannot conceive of any law abiding American citizen ever being ashamed of their birthright. And yet, the alleged president of the United States, not only refuses to show the citizens of this country proof of his right to call himself an American, but has brought considerable power to bear against those who ask the courts of this country to require that such evidence be brought forth.

I first recited the "Pledge of Allegiance" to my flag and country in September, 1950, as a member of Miss Earlene Lemmert's 1st grade class in Cedar Vale, Kansas. In one way or another, I have renewed that pledge every day of my life since. The alleged president of this country, and alleged protector of that flag, refuses to recite that "Pledge of Allegiance" or salute that flag. How could anyone, with no experience in anything, beyond reading a great deal of socialist and Marxist propaganda, be considered qualified to be "Commander-in-Chief" of our military? Unfortunately, there have been some precedents set in that area; in my lifetime and long before.

In October, 1961, just weeks after my 17th birthday, and while still a Senior at Winfield Senior High School, Winfield, Kansas, I took the Oath to Defend, Preserve and Protect the Constitution of the United States of America Against All Enemies Both Foreign and Domestic for the first time, and became a member of the U.S. Navy Reserve. I took that Oath again in June, 1962, when I enlisted in the regular Navy following graduation. I took an almost identical Oath in June, 1965, when I became a member of the Phoenix Police Department, in Phoenix, Arizona. In February, 1968, I re-enlisted in the U.S. Navy, and took the Oath for the fourth time. In June of 1974, I enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guard and took the Oath for the fifth time. In June of 1981, I went to work for the Department of the Army as a civilian. Starting as a member of the Security Police force at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Denver, Colorado, I again took a similar Oath. The last 8+ years of nearly ten years at the arsenal, were as a Firefighter/EMT/HMT.

I have always believed the most important point of the Oath I took so many times, was to guard against "domestic" enemies of the Constitution. After suffering through the presidencies of Carter, Clinton and two Bushes, it should be patently clear to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention, exactly where the greatest threat to the continued existence of this country resides: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C.

Let me add my hand and my name to Oath Keepers. I will add my "fortune" as soon as my budget allows.

'Conservative in Exile'
Michael E. Yadon


  1. It should be patently clear to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention, exactly where the greatest threat to the continued existence of this country resides: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C.

    "IT" is brother!!! Thanks for stepping up to the plate :)

    Love "Light" and Energy


  2. Oath Keepers are the BEST! Many thanks from an American mother of 6 children.

  3. I too have taken that oath, three times in the last 4 years. i am still in the Active Duty Army. me and my brothers have often discussed where are loyalties rest, whether with the constitution and the american people or with our superior officers and the president. I speak for both me and the majority of the United States Military when i say "I am loyal to none but the american people and the constitution. Our fathers, grandfathers, and beyond have all shed their blood for this, and we will do the same.


  4. That was so well put that I just sit here reading it over and over.

    Anonymous (SPC....) repeats what I have heard elsewhere from the active duty military. I think the Marxist regime is not blind to this and I think maybe they would try to ship most of our military out of the country so that they can comfortably bring in foreign troops who have no loyalty to our Consitution or our citizens. Are we ready for such a thing? OH HELL YEAH!!! I can't imagine anything that would put the fight into every man, woman and child faster than that.

    In the middle of my wildflower garden amid the pines is the honorable American flag atop a 35ft pole surrounded by seven huge concrete slabs representing our Navy, Marines, Air Force, Army, Army Reserve, Coast Guard and National Guard. I stand there and pray for our country and I pump out a rousing Star Spangled Banner with my hand over my heart and I've been told it is worthy of ANY public event. And I have trust in those who serve our nation as a military force.

    God BLESS America! America whose flag represents all that is good in this world. That one flag on earth whose colors proclaim the saving Blood of Christ (red), His Divinity (white) and His Kingship (blue). It is the flag of a CHRISTIAN nation, not Atheist, Jewish, Buddhist or Muslim though in our Christian charity we give a place to all even our enemies, though that is more out of stupidity than charity.

    So yes, Michael E. Yadon...our #1 enemy today is domestic and the instrument of their madness squats illegally in the Oval Office, aided by the Supreme Court because there is NOT ONE Oath Keeper among them.

    I am an ever vigilant daughter of America. DEATH BEFORE SUBMISSION

  5. On 2 May at 9:40 AM
    Ever Vigilant said ...
    "That one flag on earth whose colors proclaim the saving Blood of Christ (red), His Divinity (white) and His Kingship (blue). It is the flag of a CHRISTIAN nation, not Atheist, Jewish, Buddhist or Muslim though in our Christian charity we give a place to all even our enemies, though that is more out of stupidity than charity."
    Ever Vigilant I must point out that the Constitution that we are all sworn to support and defend does NOT single out Christians as "the good guys" and all others as "our enemies".

    I quote the First Amendment in its entirety.
    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

    This blog is not about hating our "enemies" it is about supporting and defending our Constitution.

    Let us avoid statements that express hate for any group regardless of the parameters.

    I now quote from the Oath Keepers "We are Not List"

    We are Not advocating or promoting violence towards
    any organization, group or person.
    We are determined to Honor our Oath to support and
    defend the Constitution."

    and again from the Oath Keepers "We are Not List"

    "We are Not advocating or promoting any act or acts of
    aggression against any organization or person for any
    reason including, but not limited to; race, religion,
    national origin, political affiliation, gender or
    sexual orientation."
    [emphasis added]

    Further "hate speech" like this, from you or anyone else, will be deleted without comment.

  6. My concern about Oath Keepers is that it will paint the President and Congress as the enemy and may produce a violent movement. The President was elected by a free electorate in an honest election and that should be respected. It is getting close to treason to claim that the occupant of the White House is the enemy.

  7. Anonymous said...

    "My concern about Oath Keepers is that it will paint the President and Congress as the enemy and may produce a violent movement. The President was elected by a free electorate in an honest election and that should be respected. It is getting close to treason to claim that the occupant of the White House is the enemy."

    The goal of Oath Keepers is to ensure that those in the military and police do not follow unconstitutional orders that violate the rights of the people. We are not advocating anything other than that they refuse to be tools of oppression and destruction against their own people if ordered to do so by any President, whether Democrat or Republican.

    We can look back on history and wish the German Army and police had refused orders. Anon, don't you wish the German police and military had refused Hitler's orders? Don't forget that he was the "legal" chancellor, and his party won a majority in the German parliament by election. And as they increased their power, the Nazis were very careful to "make it legal" with each and every action they took upheld by the German courts (there were a few brave German judges who ruled against the Nazis in the early years, but they were eventually forced to resign or were themselves declared "enemies of the people" and interned).

    We are not "there" yet, but if that day comes, I certainly hope the military and police will think for themselves and will refuse the kinds of orders that the "good Germans" obeyed, don't you?

    And just because a man is elected to the White House, that does not make him omnipotent and his actions beyond question. That was not the case for Bush, when he violated the Constitution on multiple occasions. Just because he was elected, that did not make everythi8ng he did either right or legal. That was the argument of some of the neocons, but I expect you will agree that their argument was hogwash.

    Well, the same goes for Obama. Some, such as the author of the above testimonial, question whether he was qualified to serve as President. But even if he was qualified and was duly "elected by a free electorate in an honest election," the mere fact of his election does not make it treason to criticize what he does or even to assert that he is a domestic enemy of our rights. If so, then I committed "treason" multiple times when I accused Bush of usurping power and of treating the American people as the enemy.

    And besides, Article III, the Treason Clause, defines treason as:

    "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."

    Note that treason can only be overt acts, not mere words. So, my speech and the speech of the above poster can never be treason, since it is not an overt act, and it is neither levying war (as in physical actions) or giving aid and comfort to an enemy - again, actions, not mere words.

    In America, the people are free to call the occupant of the White House whatever they damn well please, including calling him an enemy. It's called free speech, and good men and women bled to preserve it.

    You should respect, and defend, the free speech rights of all Americans, not just for you and your pals, and you should do so even when it is your guy in power.

    I will call them like I see them, whoever is in office. And what I see is Obama carrying on all of Bush's violations of the Constitution. What powers that were claimed by Bush has Obama renounced? Anything? Please enlighten us.

    Stewart Rhodes

  8. Well Stewart,

    The silence from Anonymous speaks thunderously doesn't it ?

    As Stewart has plainly said Oath Keepers is NOT about politics or being Left Wing or Right Wing.
    Demopublican or Republicrat.
    For they are equally violating the Oath that they have each sworn when they took their office.

    Oath Keepers is ONLY about supporting and defending the Constitution and educating the people that have raised their hand and sworn to God to do just that.

    For the Republic

  9. The free election described above was an election to get rid of GW Bush.Satan himself would have won the election over GW.Americans did not vote for communism nor for a traitor to run the US government who wants to turn the military and police against their own people.The government is illegitimate whenever it seeks to void the US constitution.This administration is declaring war on the bill of rights and the average American citizen with a beef.There is a difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter/patriot.Sometimes the government can be the terrorists and the insurgents can be the "goodguys".Anyone who elects to obey any order,as was done in Nazi Germany,can expect to be treated like a nazi.

  10. Soldier of fortune magazine claims that enough guns were sold in the first 3 months of 09 to equip the armies of China and India.This is a good point for armed agents of government to keep in mind when they try to declare martial law and confiscate the firearms of citizens.The government is not the rightful authority the people are and the constitution is.PS Body armor is bullet resistant,not bullet proof.

  11. The government is right.We should do what they say.If we do as we are told,everything will be ok.The constitution is outdated anyway.We have to move forward, not back.How will we ever have a united earth government if people refuse to look to the future.We are all the earth's children and we must unite to take care of her.Obama is only looking to return us to the earth in a sustainable world economy so we don't overpopulate and drain our planet.When people are reduced in number to manageable levels,when government supervises all aspects of life,when Gaia is revered we will have world peace and happiness.All guns must be destroyed.

  12. United earth? Star Trek started this insane crap.Captain Kirk was a closet world commie.

  13. Anonymous said ...
    "The government is right ...."

    Whew ! Where to start ?

    First of all ... by all means don't sign this tripe.
    Some of your friends just might read your note and laugh you out of their lives.
    When, IF Ever, was the only time that you had an independent thought of your own ? Without "hints" from your mentor's ?

    Now ....
    "How will we ever have a united earth government ..."

    Who wants a "united earth government" ? I sure don't.
    My forebears DIED to establish this Constitutional Republic which is one of the only governments on the planet where an airhead without a single independent thought has the Right to step up and spew the official socialist/communist propaganda line all over this blog.
    Try that in some of those other countries ....

    "When people are reduced in number to manageable levels ..."

    So do I understand you correctly you and all of your friends are volunteering to be "reduced" so the rest of us can live our lives in utopia ? If Not YOU then who Exactly ?
    Don't you even listen to the garbage coming out of your mouth ?

    "All guns must be destroyed"

    Good Luck with that one. Let me suggest that you head right on over to Somalia, Iraq or Afghanistan and get started. There are a lot of patriotic Americans I would like to see come home standing tall not stretched out.

    So ... If you and your friends want to head on over and start destroying those guns for us I am pretty sure I can get some folks to help provide One Way tickets for you.

    Oh and while I have your attention .... learn to think for yourself.

    What a maroon ....

  14. Gooch, I think it was a "Swiftian" joke. Has to be, since it is so over the top.

  15. Stand tall and be proud! I agree with everything you have stated here. I got your back buddy. Daughter of a retired USAF and I stand proud with all of you here.

  16. "Swiftian" as in Jonathan Swift the author ?

    No wonder I fell for it .... I am obviously not "that" Swift ....

    {wink-grin} ;))


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