Thursday, June 18, 2009

I am a Veteran.

I am a Veteran.

In 1985 I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.

I took it again in 1988.

That Oath was not discharged in 1992 when I was, and no man can make me renege or renounce.

I will obey no order, law or edict that is contradictory to the clear intent of those Words I have sworn to defend.

I pledge my allegiance to no man, government, or even Flag.

I pledge Allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic which it Defines:
One Nation, Under Arms, Weakly Federalist, With Liberty and Justice for All.

Bryan Potratz, USA

I remain bound by the oaths I freely took upon myself

Even though long retired from active duty, I remain bound by the oaths I freely took upon myself. Throughout history, to men and women of character, an oath is a sacred promise, not only to oneself, but to those to whom the oath is given.

I will not break that sacred promise.

Jules C. Smith, CMSgt, USAF (Ret)

Special Forces, Rangers, Seals, and Force Recon Veterans will support and defend this "COUNTRY, IT'S PEOPLE, THE CONSTITUTION, THE FLAG AND LIBERTY"

Dear Friends,

I along with a few of my friends (I will not disclose the exact number) have been watching your site for a while. We are all veterans made up of Former Army Special Forces, Army Rangers, Navy Seals and Marine Force Recon. Each and everyone of us have seen and fought in combat through out this world. I will inform you now that if the need arises for us once again to pick up our weapons to support and defend this "COUNTRY, IT'S PEOPLE, THE CONSTITUTION, THE FLAG AND LIBERTY" we will stand with you. We took the Oath and we still live by it today. Let's just hope and pray it does not come to that.

