I was fortunate enough to be told of your organization by a friend. I am a veteran of over twenty years of service to America. I have retired from the reserves (Marine Corps and Army) but work as a state trooper in Montana.
I have always understood my oath of enlistment to be an oath of allegiance to the Constitution and not the government. I am happy to know I am not the only one who feels that way. I hold no ties to either major political party because they have lost sight of the true principles of the Constitution. Our Republic was founded on the belief that everyone has an unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
As a fellow oathkeeper, I am interested in adding some of what I have to the coffers. I will be going to your website and making a donation to the cause of liberty and freedom.
I am most likely on some government sponsored list of anti-government radicals, so I am not concerned about them finding out my stance on this issue. Although there is always a chance my use of my freedom of expression may get me fired. But I will not serve a master that does not serve my Constitution. If being a patriot makes me radical than so be it, until our belief becomes the predominant one. As the Marine Corps motto says Semper Fidelis and I am always faithful to the Constitution.
Good day, ladies and gentlemen.
Garrett D. Van Hoose
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man and brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him for then it costs him nothing to be a patriot." Mark Twain
Welcome, Garrett.
Keep the faith.
It's refreshing to see real names lately.
Welcome to the club brother Garrett.
Any truth that Montana is considering legalization of ANY firearm made in Montana, for Montana Citizens? If it passes, I may have to trade the Republic of Texas for Montana.
Keep your powder dry Devil Dog!
There are still a few good men. "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice". Barry Golwater
Brock Townsend said... "It's refreshing to see real names lately."
It does stand in stark contrast to masked ATF agents burning churches.
Thanks, Garrett. If all Lawmen were of your caliber, we would be much freer and safer.
Semper Fi, Brother! Welcome aboard!
Devildog in Colorado
Bruce Hunter
I am curious, have any of the oath keepers felt any backlash at work? You guys have my respect and gratitude.
I am writing to ask if the leaders of Oathkeepers could start giving out the domain name
instead of the long, easy to mix up or forget...
Please consider this, when you are interviewed, so that more people can find and join the movement.
Thank you.
Thank you for your post, it is very reassuring to read about active duty police officers and military stepping up to the Oath-Keepers plate! As a private citizen, I thank you very much.
Semper Fi, Bro!
You've got my salute and my undying respect for your courage. Welcome aboard. I appreciate greatly knowing that you're in the Montana highway patrol and are willing to stand for our tradition of personal freedom in the great, old-fashioned American tradition (and in Montana's tradition!).
Thank you for being a real man, and thank you for your service to this nation and to Montana.
From Willow Creek, Montana,
A patriotic Salute to ye!
Anonymous said...
I am writing to ask if the leaders of Oathkeepers could start giving out the domain name
instead of the long, easy to mix up or forget...
Please consider this, when you are interviewed, so that more people can find and join the movement.
Thank you.
May 19, 2009 10:13 AM
Thank you Anonymous,
I remember NOW that you had put this together for us last month wasn't it ? Two months ago ?
We must be having fun because time sure is flying ....
By all means use which ever addy you find easier.
I have the blogspot on as a bookmark so I am not typing it out much.
Your much simpler link is going to be my reference from now on ...
Thanks again,
Welcome aboard Garrett.
Well Done Trooper but now the real "Work" begins ... we need to reach out to all of the oath takers out there and help them understand their responsibility to support and defend the Constitution.
Semper Fidelis is what our country needs right now.
For the Republic
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