We here at Oath Keepers are proud to tell you about a great support the troops organization called "Operation Soldier Assist" that makes it easy for you to adopt a deployed service member of any branch (don't let the name throw you off) and send them letters and care packages.
We fully support the mission of Operation Soldier Assist and they fully support the Oath Keepers mission as well. When you visit their website, you will see that they have posted our declaration of ten orders we will not obey and our full length video prominently on the home page of their site. We here at Oath Keepers look forward to working with Operation Soldier Assist in any way we can to help out, and we encourage you do do the same.
What you can do now:
Please take the time to visit http://www.soldierassist.com/ and sign up to adopt a current serving soldier, Marine, airman, sailor or coastie. If we all do it, we can make sure that all of them get the items they need while on deployment and we can make sure they know they are not forgotten here at home.
This is a very worthy cause, so please sign up and do your part. Consider it part of keeping your oath. Let those who are serving now know that you have their "6" here at home. And note that you can contribute all kinds of items the troops really need, not just pogie bate! See the description below for details.
NOTE: If you are a current serving active duty military service member and wish to be adopted by someone through Operation Soldier Assist, please go here (http://www.soldierassist.com/adopt.html) to sign up for that. Also, if you know a service member you would like to see adopted, please send them the above link.
For the Republic!
The Oath Keepers Crew
More information from the Operation Soldier Assist website:
Army • Navy • Air Force • Marines U.S. Coast Guard
Special Note: We are not a "SOLDIER" only support group.
We adopt and support "ALL" deployed military personnel!
Welcome, my name is Blaine, I am the founder of OSA/SoldierAssist.com and my hope and number one request is that you would adopt-a-troop. What does "adopt" in this case mean? Glad you asked! It means that you commit to writing a letter each week and sending a package once a month. I started OSA with the hope of getting our deployed personnel adopted out to the public, so that they would be encouraged while in Iraq, Afghanistan or any of the 100 plus countries we have troops stationed. Our visitors have not disappointed us. In our first two years, our visitors have adopted 500 troops! We were very happy about this but of course we hope to do more.We often get letters requesting adoption and support because the government hired contractors are charging way to much at the base stores. Some just wish to have someone to write to and visit with. Most need some sort of help with the items listed below. Items needed include: personal hygiene items, books, magazines, CD's, DVD's, boots, and new uniforms items. I know some may feel that boots and new uniform items are over the top, there NOT. Remember a gift is not a gift if it costs you nothing, and this is truly about helping those who defend our country and need support.
A uniform allowance is given to military personnel but in most cases the troops forfeit many normal needs to cover their uniform costs and of course, most of them send their pay home to support their families. Please consider helping, you will enjoy visiting with the person you adopt and will encourage them greatly with your support. The above items are just examples, you decide how you will support your own troop. We just ask you to put yourself in their place and think of what you would like for help. Thanks again for visiting us and please tell your friends about SoldierAssist.com
- Blaine P. Ducote Sr.
Founder OSA
I've got quite a bit of stuff I can send, especially 2 blankets I crocheted, they're brand new and a few other things.
I've contacted the adopt a troop website and will be sending stuff to our men and women overseas.
It would be an honor and a privilege to do that for them.
Thank you Janet! Email us and we will be sure to give you something Oath Keepers related to send them as well if you like.
Oh! Well there it is. You can be certain I will be "adopting a troop." Thank you again, Mr. Rhodes.
Janet, Stewart Rhodes, and Anonymous: Thank you all for your support or our troops, Stewart I can't thank you enough for your support of OSA by placing our info and link on your site. We had 7 people ask to adopt the first day you placed our info here. I am very grateful for Oath Keepers and the work you are doing.
Blaine P. Ducote Sr.
Founder: Operation Soldier Assist
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