Saturday, April 4, 2009

Testimonial of Vietnam Combat Veteran, Purple Heart Recipient, and Member of Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association, Hamilton "Bombdog" Horseman

How can I help? I am just sick with the direction that MY nation is taking... My Grand Father and Father and myself have all given blood in battle for our Nation. I served two tours 66'67'68' with The 9th inf. division. I am also 100% disabled from injuries of that conflict.

To see politicos who have no idea or had any family who served this country now in charge is a crime.
I feel like I do not have any representation in this government, I have watched the socialist agenda carried on during my lifetime.. starting with taking God or any concept of God out of everything.

This is a travesty.

Hamilton "Bombdog" HorsemanNOTE: Below is the moving tribute video about the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association that Hamilton sent in with his testimonial. We are honored to call Hamilton a fellow Oath Keeper, and we welcome all of his brothers from CVMA to send in testimonials and to join us. God bless them all!

"Freedom is a Light for Which Many Men Have Died in Darkness"


CaptGooch said...

We are Honored to have you with us "Bombdog",

Thank You for your Service.

Help us get the active duty personnel, reserves, veterans [like yourself] and the active duty Peace Officers to understand the necessity of Keeping the Oath of Service just as it is written.

To Reach and Teach is our current objective.

lambe71 said...

God Bless all of you!! You are real hero's and you are what this country is all about. I am proud of all of you!!!

DW said...

My heart goes out to all who have served our country your all that’s left of the country I grew up in for which I have a great deal of respect and admiration.

christian soldier said...

My grandfather - a purple heart honoree - loved this country enough to join the Army at the turn of the last century as a new 'citizen' - a Dane- to fight and honor the freedom that our Constitution stated...'won' the purple heart' ..FOR FREEDOM!!!!!
Christian Soldier-Carol