All of us, who have ever sworn an oath to "protect and defend", knew that we were prepared to risk ourselves for the 'greater good' of our nation and way of life. We were prepared to be among the 'few who would carry the many' ... whoever or however they may have become such.
Our oaths were couched in phrases pertaining to flags and national icons ... but in our hearts we swore those words while the images of our families, our countrymen, homes and communities were first in our minds ... as it should be, and as it will continue to be.
Anyone who would swear an oath to serve a politician or political ideal above the men, women and children who are the heart and essence of a nation do not belong among our ranks, and they deserve both our scorn and wrath.
Our oaths, in our hearts, were sworn to defend and protect a way of life that respects the value of each and every human being, and the freedom, safety and honor each one of them deserves and is entitled to ... under law, under constitution and under the God we honor.
Politicians and bureaucrats may insist that, on the basis of certain words, our oaths were to them, not to the general population ... and they would further insist that our 'words of oath' are a 'contract' to serve the desires of the state ... over and above the needs of the nation and the people who are that nation.
Not so!
The struggle that lays ahead differs from those of even recent history. Our oaths, sworn before to national concerns and safety, are now extended ...because the circumstances are extended beyond any we know in history ... because the conflict, now, is no longer with an identifiable 'enemy', in an identifiable uniform.
Instead, the 'enemy' is a shadow ... one that neither knows or respects geographical or political boundaries, one who flies no flag nor wears a uniform, and is one who hides in the dark behind front-men and paid puppets with important titles. What could define a “terrorist” more clearly?
We are told that our "enemies" are in caves in the middle east, or they are behind every corner here at home. None of whom ever seem to surface!
Those “enemies” who have surfaced, however, are clearly visible if our eyes are open.
Our real enemies are in the news each day posing as those who are our betters and saviors (according to them.) They are those who insist they have "the solutions" to the havoc we are now living through ... yet, strangely, also it is those same “saviors” who have been aggressively making that havoc worse daily!
Our enemies are closer than we think ... so ... easier to deal with them when the time comes to do so because a traitor deserves only one fate.
We have all heard that cherished military maxim ... "divide and conquer". It works ... always did throughout history.
The only defense is to "Join and Conquer." The 'enemy' we face is a globalist elite who are relying on us fighting so much amongst ourselves that we cannot see who the true adversary is ... it's them and their names are on many lists ... be they in Washington, London, Ottawa or elsewhere!
Nancy Regan once said "Just Say No" ... to mind-altering drugs. We, now, must "Just Say No" to the mind-altering politics we're being assaulted with these days.
"NO SIR! I'm an Oath Keeper" ... the words of they who know the difference between a 'lawfull' and a 'legal' order.
Be proud to be among the few who remember and know what, and to WHOM, that oath applies!
Paul Jacobsen
God bless you Paul. I've never heard it said better. I am with you.
Well Done Paul.
And Very well said , so many truths revealed in your testimonial.
I am honored to have you join us.
Thank You for your Service and for your skills as an artist on our new "unit" patch.
Welcome Aboard.
That was excellent! Very eloquent and powerful. You express with words as well as you do with art. Glad to have you aboard as a fellow Oath Keeper, and thanks again for stepping up and pulling way, way more than your own weight.
For the Republic,
Oathkeepers, feel free to tell others about the domain name Oathkeepers.net It's much easier to remember. It points to your blog and always will. I know the power and importance of protecting ones name and brand, I should have helped out with the .com domain name when I had the chance, but now a big internet marketing company owns it because they want to leach off of your popularity Names with dashes and names with .blogspot in them are more difficult to remember. I'm not military or law enforcement, but you have a special place in my heart
What do you all think about having a lower rocker for a state designation?
David B Colfry
Oath Keeper
American Prepper,
Thank You very much.
That is good news.
Why not attend an Oath Keepers event or an Appleseed Shoot and make arrangements to swear the oath there and on the 19th ?
Then You would be a Sworn Oath Keeper as are we all.
While the formal Oath is the common ground we all meet on it is the Constitutional Republic we are desirous of and that requires no Oath only active participation in returning our Republic to our people.
For the Republic
David Welcome,
I think that is a good idea and I recommend that you head on over to the forum we have been "loaned" and put it up for comment over there.
[ http://thementalmilitia.com/forums/index.php?topic=21330.0 ]
Thank You for your Service.
Dear Sirs, I am a civilian. But I am wanting to know who my brothers in arms are. I know what freedom is and I want to swear an Oath tho uphold the Bill of Rights and Constitution. I am coming to the event at Lexington Green to join you men.
I will be forming the Civilian Oath Keepers shortly there after. I'm so glad that i will not be alone in this fight for the preservation of this rare freedom we have as a privilege. I owe no explanation for why I am neither military nor police. Nor do I care to argue the intelligence in that decision. I am however brave and willing to fight for the freedom to which I attribute the way of life we enjoy. Having risen from the ashes once before in the face of an insurmountable opponent, we can and will prevail. Right is on our side. Freedom will survive. And I believe the Oath Keepers WILL be the difference.
please tell what country has ever truly valued each and every human being?
when you put up artwork that says "join or die" do you think you are saying that you value each and every human being?
i want to believe that a group such as oathkeepers has a valuable function but until the people who "own" this group state unequivocably what "ideals" they believe in and who qualifies as a true oathkeeper this group will unfortunately wither.
Heh, heh, heh. Isn't it cute when an anonymous someone comes on a blog they have not read [or they would have read our 10 Principles and 10 Orders We Will Not Obey] and starts right out with trying to tear the organization down without offering one single positive to replace it ? Especially on a point [picture] that is over 230 years old. Heh, heh, heh.
Sad really. That some people are so self-centered that they can't see the fact that they are totally bereft of the values they are complaining about Our lack of.
Uhm ... Anonymous go read your history, the phrase Join or Die was from the original founding fathers. [circa 1773-79] They were advertising the benefit of Union as a defense from external threats. [Notice the States initials next to each section of the snake ?]
Your ignorance in your country and its history is showing and it is sad.
That Prussian Method of dumbing down the masses in their schools to create an obedient workforce actually is working isn't it ?
Sad that.
This gives me more hope than i have had in years. Thank you for this, your dedication and your service
Mark Twain once said" In the beginning a Patroit is a scarce man;hated,feared and scorned:but in time,when his cause succeeds,the timid join them,because then it costs nothing to be a Patriot."
Don't let the sheeple down our spirits! They will wake up one way or the other.
Not on Our Watch!!!
I enjoy so much reading this site and I am greatful to be accepted in this group. I really like the patch and would proudly wear the patch and purchase the tee shirt. To me the stars, on the patch, depict law enforcement. I was not in the military but I have been directly in law enforcement or in parts of law enforcement for 25 years. The Constitution and the rule of law is the life blood that seperates our country from all the others. I will fight and die for this concept and document, no problem. Thank you
Private Hunter, thank you for your comment, and your insight on what the stars mean to you. Just one more reason to leave them in!
Honored to have you among us. Please email in a full testimony and we will post it on the blog.
Anon said:
"Dear Sirs, I am a civilian. But I am wanting to know who my brothers in arms are. I know what freedom is and I want to swear an Oath tho uphold the Bill of Rights and Constitution. I am coming to the event at Lexington Green to join you men.
I will be forming the Civilian Oath Keepers shortly there after. I'm so glad that i will not be alone in this fight for the preservation of this rare freedom we have as a privilege. I owe no explanation for why I am neither military nor police. Nor do I care to argue the intelligence in that decision. I am however brave and willing to fight for the freedom to which I attribute the way of life we enjoy. Having risen from the ashes once before in the face of an insurmountable opponent, we can and will prevail. Right is on our side. Freedom will survive. And I believe the Oath Keepers WILL be the difference."
Anon, "civilians" by which I assume you mean those who have not served in the military or police, are more than welcome in Oath Keepers - that is why we invite ALL to come to the Lexington Green muster, and why we make it a point to invite those who have not yet sworn an oath to join us by taking that oath on the Green on April 19.
A better word than "civilian" would be citizen. You will be a citizen oath keeper. No need to start a "civilian Oath Keepers" as all Americans are welcome in our org.
We are glad you are coming to Lexington, and when you do, be sure to introduce yourself to me, Stewart Rhodes. And meanwhile, email me at stewart.rhodes@aya.yale.edu to discuss how you can help in our mission.
Stewart Rhodes
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