I guess we've been found out.
We are a bunch of softies.
Once at Lexington Green we were not allowed to sell T-shirts. Many who were there were not able to purchase one. And many of you did your best to get there on short notice and just couldn't make it.
So we are making Lexington Oath Keeper shirts available. But don't even try to talk us out of a tab.
Prices are $25 for short sleeve $30 for long -the price has shipping included (pictured above).
Click the donate button, enter the price and put shirt in the message area, along with the number of shirts and size (S- XXXXL) or sizes you want.
Also, make sure your Paypal address is where you want it sent, if not, put the ship to address in the message as well. If you don't do Paypal, send us an email and put T-shirt in the subject line so that we'll see it.
LCMDR Gillie also made up long sleeve shirts with the full color photo on the front.
For those shirts send a $45 (includes shipping) check or money order to the address below or if you want to pay by Paypal for these shirts use the donate button above but be sure to put Gillie shirt in the message so we know what shirt you are buying.
The Liberty Tree
8722 Cheshire Ct.
Jessup, MD 20794
301 483-6106

It's all about the money.
I love oaths, I love keepers (they bring the food out for me at the zoo), and most of all I LOVE OATH KEEPERS! Everybody we gotta make an oath to uphold our oath that the constitution is one big ol' oath, and I swear by my Grandaddy that I will uphold that oath.
To John Q. Public:
Your derogatory comments and baseless accusations will not deter us in what we’re trying to accomplish; which is: to reach, teach, encourage and inspire all our brothers and sisters (active or retired) serving our country in the military or as peace officers (active or retired) serving American citizens in their local communities. Everyone I know that’s involved in this magnificent movement has sacrificed time away from their own immediate families and livelihoods and paid their own expenses. As far as the t-shirts and patches go (which cost several thousand dollars to manufacture) many of us have purchased countless amounts on our own and given them away either in appreciation of support or just to some people that literally could not afford them (during these perilous economic times) but certainly deserved them. You can be skeptical of us and our motives if you so desire, but I think you’ll discover that we are all well established Citizen Patriots in our own fields of endeavor (in-other-words: impervious to insults, threats or intimidation – this is NOT our first rodeo!) We allow you to post on our blog (with conditions of civility and decorum) because we’re faithful to our sacred oaths to the constitution (which includes the “…Right of free speech.” Plus, the right of dissent is as American as: the flag, Mom and apple pie) so criticize if you must, but how about making it constructive instead of divisive?
We stand by our pledge of: Guardians of the Republic and our Motto: “NOT ON OUR WATCH”
Well said Dave and I concur.
I have to wonder why someone with so little respect for this blog would continue to hang around and make comments ?
Trolling for a flame war possibly ?
You won't find one here Joe Q. Public.
On 2 May at 12:56 PM Anonymous said ....
"I love oaths, I love keepers (they bring the food out for me at the zoo), and most of all I LOVE OATH KEEPERS! Everybody we gotta make an oath to uphold our oath that the constitution is one big ol' oath, and I swear by my Grandaddy that I will uphold that oath."
Too funny .... You do, of course, realize that you're only showcasing your own immaturity rather than inflicting any sort of "injury" to the Oath Keepers blog site .... right ?
Well said, Dave and Capt. Gooch.
I was there on the Green re-affirming my Oath.
If the trolls are coming out from under their bridges, it only means one thing: WE SCARE THEM!
They are afraid of us and what we are doing.
They are afraid that we may take them to task.
Most of all, they are afraid to confront us one on one or out in the open!
They will snipe at us here and there, just like suicide bombers.
Any troll who would like to repeat these disparaging remarks to me face to face, let me know.
I will gladly meet you at Logan Airport in Boston and pay your one way airfare to any country you desire.
You are obviously not Americans, let alone Patriots!
Folks, if the trolls are surfacing, then we are doing our jobs!
Why is my face blotted out? I am the left half of the mystery Marines!! Stewart must not want the site to exceed its bandwidth from all the ladies clicking on our site.
Jay, I've got a bunch of photos in which you appear :) I'll be sending them of to Stewart when I feel he's had a chance to catch his breath from the 19th. I'm thinking that we should have a special edition "Jay is OK" T-Shirt for the Ladies, as part of OK's recruiting efforts :)
I would love to see an account set up whereby people can make donations toward a Shirt and Sheriff Mack's book to be sent to Sheriff in our respective counties. When I returned home from The Gathering, I hand-delivered Sheriff Mack's autographed book to Sheriff Kevin Wells, Sheriff of Saint Lawrence County in upstate NY. If only I'd tho't of purchasing a shirt for him because it would have made an awesome duo.
Is there any way, as a promotional offering, that Oath Keepers can get wholesale access to a quantity of shirts, to be given out to members of our local law enforcement ? I've got Memorial Day coming up and will be there with my camera, shooting the event. How AWESOME it would be to have some officers show up with their Oath Keepers shirts on !!
Somebody should make a patch for our old fatigues.
On 3 May at 7:16 AM
Anonymous said ...
"I have a better Oath."
UHM ... Anon you need to lay off the caffeine.
IF it should come to armed resistance then so it shall be but I see absolutely NO reason to start a fight we just Might win without fighting.
"To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the highest skill.
To subdue the enemy without fighting is the highest skill."
Learn from history so as to stop repeating it.
Jay said...
Why is my face blotted out? I am the left half of the mystery Marines!! Stewart must not want the site to exceed its bandwidth from all the ladies clicking on our site.
On May 2, 2009 at 4:59 PM
The Mouse pretty much answered your question here = "I'm thinking that we should have a special edition "Jay is OK" T-Shirt for the Ladies, as part of OK's recruiting efforts :)"
I'll approach HQ with your request to spin off a "Don't Panic ... Jay is OK" blogsite for you [to match the tee shirt recruiting drive] .... :)) < rolls eyes >
Stay Safe,
"Jay's OK, Obama isn't"
Jay, we knew you wouldn't care, but we didn't get your active duty Marine pal's permission to put his pic up, so we blotted out both (that way you match!).
No big deal, but we will take the picture out until we get his permission, so people don't get the wrong idea.
Anonymous said ...
"I have a better Oath."
Anon, I deleted your comment. As Capt. Gooch said, we are all about making it so such is not necessary.
Every American should be resolved to defend their rights, and that should go without saying. but we don't need to run around thumping our chests and making threats.
Such comments will be deleted as soon as we see them.
Capt. Gooch, Dave, feel free to delete any comments that cross the line. Email or call me if you are not sure.
folks, as Dave said, this is about reaching and teaching those who are current service military and police. That is the heart of our mission. They have courage and resolve, just as much as us vets do.
We don't need chest thumping. We just need to remind them of their oath and teach them more about the Constitution. They will do the rest.
Stewart Rhodes
God bless the Oathkeepers! As an American woman who has been a patriot my entire life, I became terrified when the usurper socialist won in November.
I thank God we Americans have the Oathkeepers and much of the US military to protect us from him!
Joe Q. Public said...
"It's all about the money."
What a childish thing to say. Obviously you are simply a troll.
Dave and Capt. Gooch, you gave great responses, but we should just not feed the troll.
Any chance on the lapel pin? I can't affix a patch to my uniform (police), but I can affix a pin!
Anonymous said...
Any chance on the lapel pin? I can't affix a patch to my uniform (police), but I can affix a pin!
May 7, 2009 11:00 AM
Excellent Idea.
I am not in that side of the Org but I can tell you where to write to make your suggestion.
Thank You for your Service.
For the Republic
Done, thanks.
The brave men who serve in the armed forces to defend our nation should never be confused with the police state thug who enforce government control over men who would be free.
The police state gun thugs are the antithesis of FREE MEN! We men who would be FREE MEN need to ask ourselves if we are on the side of FREEDOM, or on the side of corrupt police state thugs.
Every time the blue suit gun thugs go out to "get control" of the people, freedom dies. Every time the blue gun thugs come to a man's home, liberty goes away. Every time the blue gun thugs take away a man's family, another child is hurt.
When they come for your guns it will not be the Red Cross. When they come to take your child it is not the PTA. When they come to take away your freedom, what shirt will "they" be wearing? Are FREE MEN on their side? Are they on ours?
Are we FREE MEN? Or do we support the police state? The blue suit gun thugs are the enemies of free men. They are government tyranny in action. Fight them.
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!
As a 30 year U.S. Army veteran I agree with and support your views.
one question: why was the U.S. Flag flying upside down during your promo video? Isn't that the sign of surrender?
Sergeant Major (R) MJW
Bob, I resent your remaks. Yes, I work for a city (Chicago) that has exceptionally strict gun laws. Yes, I disagree with them. But I have never gone into a citizens home and disarmed him. Every gun I've taken has been from a criminal. People with multiple arrests and convictions for violent crime and drug sales. Gang members on the street driving around with pistols. And yes - I've been shot at by them. Several times. I've been shot at inside public housing, on the street, and have even had my squad car hit while driving and looking for the offenders. I'm glad we have the laws we have, because it allows me to exercise my DISCRETION and arrest those who shoulld be arrested.
I've warred with my collegues before, believe me. This city keeps stats on officers, including guns siezed. I make a lot of stops, and I've let people with guns go on their way - citizens. If you are a criminal or a gang member, you're done. THAT'S what police SHOULD be doing. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of seeing kids and regular folk get hit by errant rounds.
The gun laws in this city prohibit me from owning several types of weapons. If the city knew about my mini, my SKS, and my M4, they'd take them and I'D be subject to arrest. WTF kind of message does that send to us, the police? I'm allowed to go out into the worst neighborhoods and be shot at, but I'm not trusted to own these weapons myself? Well, I do. So don't act like I, as the police, am subjected to some kind of favoritism becuase of my job. I'm just as arrestable as the worthless scum who shoot kids and sell drugs.
Next time you feel compelled to speak, think about it first. I get shot at in alleys so your kids don't get killed on the way to school.
Here- I'll do this right. That's me posted above. Any further comments can be directed to me by name.
"one question: why was the U.S. Flag flying upside down during your promo video? Isn't that the sign of surrender?
Sergeant Major (R) MJW"
Sergeant Major, the flag flying upside down is a sign of distress. we are hardly surrendering!
Thank you for your comment, and please do send in a longer testimonial so we can post it on the blog. you can email it to oathkeepersok@gmail.com or post it on whatever post is at the top of the blog so we see it.
Stewart Rhodes
For now, I'll let Bob and CityOfChicago dialog on the specific issue of anti-self defense laws at the state and local level before I weigh in on that.
One point though Bob - I understand your larger point that when the state abuses your rights, it won't be the idiotic politician who wrote the dumb law or just some social worker busy body who comes to your door. No, they don't have the guts to do it themselves.
And at this time - at least for now - that means they will send a police officer who will enforce that abuse rather than a military service member.
But the military has lost its rights abuse "cherry" too. Whether it be the suppression of the Bonus Marchers, Kent State, gun confiscation during Katrina, or going along with the use of military assets (and even personnel!) during Waco.
Certainly those uses are tiny compared to the day to day way that police are used. But we are seeing a disturbing trend toward increased domestic use of the military. So while the military are not yet normally used as enforcers, that day is coming unless we stop it.
That is one of the purposes of this movement - to stop the abuse at the level it is at, not let it spread to the widespread use of our military on our own people, and then roll it back.
And it is true that the laws within our communities and states have gone far beyond simply keeping people from directly hurting each other and disturbing the peace, and have crossed over into Big Brother/socialist land where no part of your life is private and out of the reach of the busy body social(ist) engineers who think they own you and your children.
And unfortunately it is true that some officers have utterly no problem with that, and some even relish their roll as "law enforcers" and see themselves as above the people. David Codrea of War on Guns calls such a view the "only ones" and there are all too many examples on his blog at http://waronguns.blogspot.com.
But not all officers are like that. And whatever the laws any given officer has to deal with in his jurisdiction, he does have discretion, as CityOfChicago pointed out.
I've seen officers use their discretion to avoid violating the rights of their fellow citizens.
I wrote an article about that for SWAT Magazine that I will post on the blog very soon. And Sheriff Mack has written about that issue as well - I'll ask him to post more about discretion too.
The goal of Oath Keepers is to do our part to stop the ongoing destruction of our Constitutional Republic and to do our part to eventually restore it in full.
A blanket condemnation of all police is not going to get us there. Instead, let's get them back to being "peace officers" as Sheriff Mack so eloquently argued in his own personal testimonial.
Some are already there. Others need our help and the help of their brother officers to remember their higher calling as Guardians of the Republic and of the rights of the people, just as military members need to be reminded of their true calling.
Stewart Rhodes
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