Monday, March 23, 2009

A Vet and a Patriot Stands by his Oath

"Is your oath to defend The Constitution water or dirt? "

Hello, I am a vet and a patriot. Is your oath to defend The Constitution water or dirt? Non compliance?!!! How about Defend! How about Act! If you will stand by and allow a tyrannical government to disarm the people by use of "regulation", then I say that your oath is water.

If however you are given an unlawful order to commit a crime against a citizen of The United States and you arrest the order giver, then I say that you are not afraid to get your hands dirty, then I say that your oath is firm.

In these troubled times we need firm oath keepers, not wishy washy wimps! If your oath is dirt, I am on board and how may I help? If your oath is water, please keep your yellow-belly org to yourself.
Sincerely Yours, Francis Pedro

1 comment:

CaptGooch said...

Well I must say You don't mince words Francis Pedro.

I myself am not in a position to intercede in any transactions where the constitution is being violated.
I think that this question is pointed directly at our Peace Officer members.

Peace Officer Oath Keepers what say you ?