I am an Active Duty Peace Officer in Houston Texas, and I proudly stand with you.... It is with great joy that I see the birth of this organization.
I've been with the Houston Police Department for 15 years and my fears of the militarization of local police grow larger every day. These fears came totally into focus when the president, then candidate, spoke of creating a civilian defense force as large and well equipped as the US Military.
The only logical way to accomplish this would be federalization of local and state law enforcement.
We, as local and state peace officers, must resist any attempt to be federalized.... We swore an oath to the communities, and states, that we serve... Not the federal government...
I call on all peace officers to reaffirm their commitment to the concept of being a PEACE OFFICER..... We are not a tool of the powerful against the weak.... we are not the judge, jury, and executioner.... I strongly encourage all peace officers to listen carefully to orders from superiors and test them against the Constitution, test them against your conscience, ask yourself if you would take that action in front of your parents, or a religious leader, or your children.
Constantly ask yourself..... What is the hurry in taking this action RIGHT NOW?... Unless your safety is at stake, take a breath, and take your time.... We are given the badge and given our authority based on the trust of those we serve.....
And we should serve everyone equally with a steady gaze on the Bill of Rights...
Keep the Peace
Sgt. John Shirley
Welcome to the awakening!
The Thin Blue Line must never be breached by those who would turn the publics defenders against them.
John I posted the statment below yours if you would email me collinconerly@sbcglobal.net
Good to go gentlemen! Thank you for stepping up.
Stewart Rhodes
Im from Houston and its good to know that at least there are good cops out there that care about the people and doing what is right for the people not just going to work doing the job and taking home a pay check.
I live in Houston as well and it is definitely reassuring that our Police understand the constitution.
I must say I have always had a respect for the Houston Police for more than one reason and this just takes it up another notch.
Thank you Sgt!
I also am in Houston, and it's nice to hear that some out there have "got our back".
Thank you, Sgt. Shirley. We need more Peace Officers like you!
Thank You Sergeant! In my 25 years alive, in several different areas of these United States, I have had my best experiences with Peace Officers in Houston. I appreciate your commitment and will be reaffirming my oath (originally taken 2/17/02 u.s.army) Thank You again, see you soon.
p.s. where is the ceremony in Houston
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